I pay using a PayPal subscription. Why am I being contacted to pay?

PayPal subscriptions will pay on the same day of each month. If your eCare invoice was due on the 1st of every month and you subscribed on the 11th, then your invoice would be 10 days late every month.

We have no way to edit the date we take your PayPal subscription or the amount of the payment that you make. If you have a PayPal subscription that is paying your invoice late and you are receiving email notifications about invoice payments, you have two options to correct this situation.

Option One
Note the day that your invoice is due so that you can login to http://ecarewebsolutions.com/order/clientarea.php?action=invoices on that day and create a new PayPal subscription. Make sure that you cancel your old PayPal subscription so that you do not pay us twice in one month.

Option Two
Log in at http://ecarewebsolutions.com/order/clientarea.php?action=invoices and pay the invoice that is due using a one time payment instead of subscribing again. This will put you always one month ahead, and when your late subscription payment kicks in, you will not be late since you are already a month ahead.

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